Brings Hue Sync desktop app experience to Android devices including TV.
Hue Stream application uses entertainment API to stream colours to Hue lights almost instantly. This makes possible to sync screen picture with your lights with shortest possible delay. Application is easy to use. All you need is to discover Hue bridge, select your favourite entertainment group and press Start button. Hue Stream runs as a service in background while you can play Android game or watch movie, youtube...
Doesn't work with external TV video inputs (hdmi...).
Designed to work only with Android apps.
Please use official Philips Hue app to create entertainment setup. Placement of lights in entertainment setup is used to define part of the screen picture from where colour will be extracted.
- Works only with second generation bridge.
- DRM content is not supported e.g. Netflix...
- People with epilepsy should use carefully.
- Exclude the app from battery optimisation.
- Doesn't support external video inputs like hdmi.
为包括电视在内的Android设备带来Hue Sync桌面应用体验。
Hue Stream应用程序使用娱乐API几乎立即将颜色流式传输到Hue灯。这样可以将屏幕图像与灯光同步,并尽可能延迟。应用程序易于使用。您只需要发现Hue bridge,选择您喜欢的娱乐组,然后按开始按钮。 Hue Stream在后台运行作为服务,您可以玩Android游戏或观看电影,youtube ...
不适用于外部电视视频输入(hdmi ...)。
- 仅适用于第二代桥梁。
- 不支持DRM内容,例如Netflix的...
- 癫痫患者应慎重使用。
- 从电池优化中排除应用。
- 不支持像hdmi这样的外部视频输入。